Monday 9 November 2009

Monday 9th

Hey There!

What a day I've had! .....
Mondays are either really busy with clients, as most places are closed or they are for doing stuff that I keep putting off.
So my day...
I was meant to meet up with a local business directory rep about advertising but he didn't turn up & rang me 2 hours after the time we had booked for the appointment to reschedule...
hmmm! not sure if I should do business with this company if they can't keep appointments.

I have been looking at alot of blogs about nail polish Holy Cow! have I lost touch with all the amazing colours out there now.... gorgeous! & thank you so much to all the bloggers that are obsesed with nail polish & sharing it with the world.
It got me motivated to sort out my collection & see how sad it is. Coloured polish isn't very popular with my clients, they tend to go with a french polish on their fingernails so I always have a supply of base coat, a natural pink, white & top coat.
This is my collection

Sad huh?

I spent the afternoon painting full cover tips & adhering them to the neck of the bottles so that clients can see what the colour looks like..... I can't believe how long this took to do.
I can not remember the last time I bought coloured nail polish. Most of these would be between 5 to 10 years old, some I paid alot of money for & some are $2 chemist cheapies. I am so glad I have looked after them because they are still in really good condition. They would be great for pedicares (pedicures) & although I have had them for ages I can't bare to throw them out.

While lifting & going through boxes, I have a habit of packing boxes with stuff that I haven't used for a long time & forgetting about them until I get brain flash & think "Hey I put that somewhere!.... hmmm now where is it!"
This is what happened!
I broke 2 of my acrylic nails. So my next post will be about how I fixed it.

My right third (bird) fingernail.

My left thumb nail.
I have been testing out these new dual system nail forms, OMG I love them! they make doing my right hand so much easier. I haven't quite got them perfected yet but I think that is because I am impatient when I do my own nails.
There was so much more to my day but it was washing ( oh bugger I left washing in the machine) cleaning & all that domestic stuff.... zzzzz boring myself even thinking about it.
Thanks for reading & be sure to check out my next post.
Fixing my broken nails
Check out my website
I'd love to know what you think of it.

Bye for now