Tuesday 26 January 2010

Amigurumi scruffy cat

Hey there!
I know I haven't blogged much lately, the whole Christmas, New Years Celebrations kind of distracted me, Oh! & my birthday was in all that to. Beauty has been a little quiet over the last month for the same reasons & what work I have had has been alot of waxing, my clients don't really want to have their body parts put on the internet. So in my spare time I have been concentrating on my other obsession, amigurumi. I'm going to put the pics up first & explain at the bottom, I hope you like it!

How cute is this???
Where do I start.... Well after my success with all the amigurumi Christmas presents, my brother wanted something super cute to give to his girlfriend for Valentines day (you know a generic teddy bear from a department store). So I suggested that I make something for her... & this is the result. It's a very cute scruffy cat inspired by a cat we have named Megs. Megs is unbelievably soft & loves to be combed. My brothers girlfriend can't resist Megs cuteness & always gives in to combing her. I can't wait to see her face when she see's it. He or she doesn't have a name yet, I don't like to name creatures if they are going to be gifts for someone, I like to leave it up to them.
Anyways, I used a mixture of Flurry & Jazz yarn from Spotlight. The legs are teddy bear jointed so they move & can be posed (I wanted it to be able to sit, stand & lay on it's back) the legs also have pipecleaners through them to be bendable. Stuffed with polyfill & the eyes are custom made with polymer clay, the paws are embroidered with pink yarn (there is also a belly button).
This was a huge challenge but so worth it & I enjoyed every moment of making it. I am going to put these little guys on my amigurmi website for purchasing as a custom made to order item. If your interested click here

I want to say a huge Thank you to June at planetjune for having the tutorials on her website, if it wasn't for you I would have had a very frustrating time trying to work with these yarns.
Check out her site, it's amazing!

Bye for now!