Friday 8 January 2010

Beauty Tips & Tricks - Toothpaste

Hey There!
 As I have mentioned before we all try to find inexpensive ways to keep up our beauty routines & I have discovered heaps of useful tricks you can do with toothpaste.
  • First of all it's primary use is to clean your teeth.
  • You can clean tarnished jewellery, but don't do this to often as it is very abrasive & cause damage to your jewellery.
  • You can use it to calm down sore &  inflamed pimples, the menthol helps kill the bacteria & cools the inflammation. I have been know to use this trick often as occasionally I get these type of pimples & nothing else works to get rid of them.
  • The best trick of all is that it takes away excess fake tan & spray tan off. When I do spray tans I always get it on my hands, they always have brown marks on them (I should wear gloves). At the end of the day I rub some toothpaste on them & they become all nice & clean again. After you have had a spraytan on for awhile (around 10 days) parts of it will exfoliate off sooner than other parts of your body. Toothpaste will take off these spots & your are ready for your next spraytan which will be flawless now that your skin is smooth & exfoliated.
I will add more to this when I discover them but if you have some usefull tips for toothpaste I'll add them & make sure you get the credit for it. I hope you enjoyed.
Bye for now!